District Chitral being a mountainous area is the largest district of North West Frontier Province having a total land area of 14850 sq km. It is situated 366 km North of NWFP. The total population of district Chitral is estimated at 0.38 million. Due to heavy snowfall and poor road infrastructure it remains cutoff from the rest of the country for at least six months every year. One of the greatest things about district Chitral is indeed its cultural and religious diversity as there are Muslims, Kalashis and followers of Agha Khan Sect living all together around the valleys.
District Chitral is administratively divided in two Tehsils.
- Tehsil Upper-Chitral
- Tehsil Lower-Chitral
These two Tehsils are further divided into the following Sub-Tehsils.
- Mastooj
- Turkoh
- Mulkoh
- Chitral
- Garam Chishma
- Daroosh
- Arando
Some of the famous valleys of District Chitral are as following.
- Laspur
- Garam Chashma
- Oweer
- Yarkhon
- Turkoh
- Bamboreet
- Rumboruk
- Birir
- Arando