Years back when I was introduced to WWW, Microsoft was enjoying the monopoly of Internet Browsers. Close to 80% of internet users were using this browser for surfing internet. I was also one of them. But a number of times I suffered some severe kind of problems. The most significant was of internet
security. This browser had a great work but sometimes stuck to itself, sometime bombarded by spywares and malwares, sometime unable to wok things out in correct way and so on. As this was backed by a software producing giant, Microsoft, so despite of user dissatisfaction it kept going. new features were continually added and efficiency made better but there was a dire need of a browser which can challenge her monopoly and serve in a bit better.

I forget to tell about Netscape Navigator, which was taking her last breaths in those days. Netscape was the earliest browser provided access to world wide web but when I began, it was at the dyeing end. It was out for a long time but formally it was grounded in current year.
When internet surfers were looking for a better replacement of Internet Explorer, Mozilla jumps in and commissions Firefox. This was a great experience. Security, friendly in use and efficiency were the key 
elements which turned this browser as the closest contender of IE. It was amazing and unexpected too, that just in 4 years it was downloaded one billion times and also a gunnies' world record holder of most downloads in shortest time. Firefox grabbed a considerable share of browsing world from IE. In a very short time an estimated 30-35% of users started using this for browsing internet. This share is continually expending and it is expected the latest version, which is about to launch, will speedup the popularity of Firefox. 
It was great to see the tussle between Internet Explorer & Mozilla Firefox but emerging super power of computer world ;Google; cannot wait for long just to see the tussle. Google decided to become the part of it launched its own browser ‘Chrome’. In fact Google Chrome is the 
wonderful web browser with elegant features. Within few months of its launch now it is claiming almost 5% share of browsers market. This share is meager now but just imagine how much it will have after 5 years as of Firefox and 15 years as of IE. The most attractive features for a common user, in my opinion, are of storing recently and most visited sites in thumbnails form at the front page, smart search and secure browsing. Let see what will happen in near future as Microsoft cannot afford to loose her share and Mozilla want to gain a bit more. 
significant number of internet users prefer Opera over all others but this number lies in the 5% of which all other browsers are sharing except IE & Firefox. The more of its use is a sharing and networking site with some considerably important features. It is far beyond perception that it will have an ambition of becoming the part of tussle going on among IE, Firefox and Chrome.
The Safari,,, it wasn’t much known even prior to the launch of Iphone.
Being a default browser of Iphone, it has gain as much popularity as the Iphone has. In fact Safari doesn’t have that much popularity and importance which it deserve. Being a product of a big company like Apple, it should be a close competitor of IE or Firefox but it isn’t. Apple claims it is the fastest browser of the world but surely it is not fastest for Windows users (+90% of all computer users in the world), might be for Mac users. If you are the one with Mac operating system in your PC you can enjoy. Even if you are not a Mac user, once try it. You will be surprised with its history memorizing and front end work. At the end Safari can be proved a wonderful experience for the users.

The World, Maxthon, Tecent Traveler etc. ,,, you can download, install and experience. If you find any of them better as compared to front runner, keep using. Have a nice day.
where is opera, opera is the best