Exam, interview, medical and probably some training will be the four steps in this process but the most unusual and uncommon thing is that, this advertisement is only for In-Service candidates. That means, only those persons are qualifying and fitting for this stage those are already in service of government of K.P.K while fresher are not eligible to apply. Persons already in service of Govt of K.P.K have tried their best to grab a considerable share from 2nd batch of P.M.S but fortunately or unfortunately they remained unsuccessful because of the directives from Peshawar high court. In the verdict, court has ordered the government not to keep any kind of share for in service candidates at any cost because that will be not only unfair and unjust but will also destroy the expectations of government from the PMS Officer. Despite of their hectic efforts they couldn’t grab the share at that time but they have not lost hopes. This time in-service candidates have ousted thousands of young men of K.P.K by reserving all seats for themselves. Many of young graduates were preparing for the exams of P.M.S but they will be disappointed to know that stalwarts and ‘gurus’ of governments have stopped their journey before it get started.
This is not only unjust, unlawful and unfair but also a cheap way of blocking the rout of talented young generation. This clearly shows that in-service persons are not capable of competing in fair game and they are afraid of facing fresh people so they used unlawful means for reserving all the seats for themselves. May be they have some justification for this but in fact using influence for making the competing unfair will put a big question mark over the whole PMS service which already facing a sever threat from DMG, not in KPK right now but in Punjab.
In my opinion, for the credibility and goodwill of this service fair play is a must. Everyone qualifying for competitive exam must be given the opportunity of trying his or her luck. If it will not be happen in a justifiable manner the purpose of creating P.M.S will died before it will grown up.
Details for the announced ‘unfair game’ can be found following this web address.
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