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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Media Theories

    The Political structure of country has always affected the media, not only print but also the electronic media.

    The freedom of press, the freedom of expression of press and the balance among the limitations of Freedom of press has always been modified as per conditions of politics and social culture of region.

    From the very banging of formation of states, it has remained a problem all the times. Due to it in different periods, different theories of communication have been introduced and flush. In general we can divide these theories in four Parts.

    Authoritarian Theory

    At the end of seventeenth century this theory was introduced. Famous Greek Philosopher Plato is considered the founder of Authoritarian Theory. For the approval and sound support of this theory Mac Chavly, Habis, Trietskey Heagel, Caunt and Natshey were renowned figures.

    According to Plato “if domination has been distributed in many persons of the state then its downfall gets started. So the ruling powers are required to lemmatize the authorities of peoples”. According to him, in his famous book ‘The State’ lemmatization of the citizens’ freedom in the state and classification of man in the state are totally authorized to the state. This theory gets support from the philosophy that some peoples are born for ruling and due to it powers always remains in few hands. So according to this theory social status, power, wealth and family honor is liable for the ruling establishment. This theory composed in formal philosophy in cooperation of such philosophers like Plato and Net Shay. So this theory declared a rule and approved Philosophy for new generations. It was spread throughout Europe by the invention of printing press through newspapers.

    It was associated with Tudors of England, Bourbons in France and hems Bourg in Spain. In modern societies it has found the ways into the governments like Japan, Imperial Russia as well as Asian and North American Countries.

    The press and communication media in such societies is viewed as an instrument for disseminating the state position, informing the populace what is right and what is wrong based on the Plato’s interpretations of issues and providing the official policy statements of the ruling Elite, the state after determining its objectives.

    According to Authoritarian theory press was fully controlled by the ruling regime. For this control different tactics were used. Sometime outright censorship, requiring state approval for the matter to be published was used. Sometime bringing the media person under laws of treason or sedition for publishing material unfavorable to the state was used.

    Blackmailing, threats of cancellation of declaration, banned over financial support, trials in courts and many other diplomacies were used to capture the media for obeying the state and utilization of authoritarians’ law. Today in 21st centenary many parts of the world have been free form that theory but many are still acting according to it. Especially the countries ruled by communist and third world countries.

    Librarian theory of media:

    This theory has been developed in sixteenth century slowly being refined in eighteenth century as libertarians’ principles found their way into nation’s constitutional framework. According to this theory media is exactly opposite of authoritarians press. From authoritarian to libertarian many factors are involved. Scientific and geographic discoveries, awareness of human being, uplift of human thinking, reaction against the dominance of church and movement against the monarchy, were the key factors of boosting libertarian theory of media.

    Dekaret, Lark, Thomas Jefferson and other scholars provide foundation to this theory. When John Lark stated, “origin of powers of state are peoples living in it. Authorities of rulers are allotted by the peoples and whenever they will desire they can take them back. According to the scholars of this assembly citizens are dominant over the state. According to libertarian theory every person has the right to access any information and can examine it when he wishes.

    Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and writing, freedom of creation and exposing was declared the fundamental right of a person, John Friskin, Thomas Jefferson and John Milton expressed the thoughts of open market. They stated “freedom is the fundamental right of any person and he must be free for his freedom of expression & thinking till he might be harmful for someone else”.

    Jefferson was a great motivator of the government, which never involve in matters of media.

    According to this theory the basic job of media is to produce news & entertainment. Selling & advertisement were also added for the settlement of financial problems of media.

    This theory declares the media totally free from any type of control. But voluntarily that information will decide to be banned to broadcast which can be useful for the enemies or detrimental for the state or public.

    This theory also applies some moral precautions as well. For example

  • Media must not broadcast any thing, which cause insult of some one.

  • Pornization must be discouraged.

  • Means of communication never communicate any material, which may be harmful for the dignity and salvation of country.

  • Those information are also be defined prohibited which may result in problems of defenses of state.

    This theory declares the media an instrument of information so must be free from any control. Eventually Libertarianism, with its freedom of press, becomes part of constitutional doctrine in U.S.A, England and later on many other countries of the world.

    Soviet Communist Theory

    This theory of media is totally apposite to the libertarian theory of media. Soviet theory considers Libertarian as ‘corrupt’, ‘Venal’, ‘irresponsible’ and controlled by special interests. Actually Soviet theory is much closer to the Authoritarian theory. It was born out from the Philosophy of Lenin & Marks and described by Stalin into a theory.

    Lenin has declared newspapers and other media the servant for the socialist revolution. He has also considered the media as a great reverend and motivating factor for the society. So in Russia press has been used as a puppet for the state and ruling communist party, which major duty was to publish and broadcast the socialist theories. Its services were not only to announce and published the official news but also to publicize the party decisions, policies and guiding principles. Due to the application of Soviet theory, the whole media in USSR was performing under the department of agitation and propagation.

    Broad costing system in Soviet Union was much amazing and interesting. The most interesting one was the Radio Diffusion Exchange, which was working like a telephone exchange. Through which connections were allotted to demanders. These connections were actually speaking sets, which provide the facility of ‘as a whole’ listening at public places. Briefly we can say, in this theory media was used just for the promotion of communist theories, policies and thoughts. Very simple and common example of this theory was two major newspapers of Russia ‘Pravda’ and ‘Izvestia’. Those were used just to propagate the Soviet Regime.

    According to the Schramm the writer of four theories of media “Soviet mass communication does not have the integrity of its own. They are kept instruments for the state and they are to obey humbly and nimbly the gyration of communist’s party lines and state directions. So simply we can state that Soviet press and the Soviet theory for media were fully captured and empoisoned by the state and the ruling party. Soviet media was not playing an educative, awaking and constructive role for the society at all.

    Social Responsibility Theory:

    In the process of communication authoritarian and communist theory’s worked in such manners, which resulted in the un-satisfaction of society.

    In the Twentieth century when media was traveling over air and awaking the communities through the globe, a new theory came into existence. This theory was based over ‘free but responsible’ aim for the media. At that particular time libertarian theory was also been considered an unproductive and some times unsatisfactory. The greatest preacher of people governance Thomas Jefferson was seemed saying that it is a bitter truth that infinite freedom of press results in the destruction of social system.

    In 930 for journalism code of conduct a sketch was sorted out for print media. Such types of codes were defined for Radio and Television in 1947 and 1953 respectively in USA, which was later on turned into social responsibility theory. This theory admits the freedom of media but bounded within responsibility and sense of duty.

    It allows the media to criticize the government and institutions but also stress to be responsible in mass interest of state.

    The communication act of 1934 of USA also reveals the nature of this theory according to which broadcasting is built upon the phrase “in the public interest, convenience and necessity.”

    This free and open criticism of the media can be seen in many reviews and books.

    Theodore Peterson writing about the social responsibility theory, William Irwin’s series on the press, Oapten Sinclair’s ‘the brass check’ and George Saldis, ‘freedom of press’ are the examples of this theory.

    Today we can examine the media of USA under the umbrella of this theory is totally free to publish any thing but there can be hardly an example which prove that media has damaged the interest of the nation or state even a single line. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->

    Islamic Theory of Communication:

    As nearly about all the Western journalists do not accept that Islam have defined some rules and regulations for the mass communication but how can it be possible that a system for the whole universe and for ever timings have neglected this important phase of the human’s life?

    This inconsideration is nothing but the propagation against Islam and the psychic of ignoring Muslims by western media.

    The Islamic theory of communication is actually not a theory, it is a defined rule and it cannot be modified as other theories defined by the human being because it has been revealed by Allah all mighty in a full flange order.

    Every theory contains some ambiguities and shortfalls but Islamic theory does not have because of its origin, which can never been wrong.

    In the Islamic System, Islamic theory of Communication has defined principles. Nothing except the truth can be communicated according to this theory.

    The provision of goodness, the preaching’s of good wills, publicizing of nobilities and good manners, character building of human being, defamation of evils, prevention of anticipation and apprehension are the solid bases for the communication as per defined rules of Islamic theory.

    Islamic theory of Communication wants the media items to be the part of alliance against the evil and social injustice.

    It stress over the provision of true sorties, non-hazardous entertainment and the education of good ness.

    At the end of my testimonial I want to state some sentences about the journalism in my Country Pakistan.

    To day the mass communication around us by the Muslims journalist could not be declared an Islamic Mass Communication because it projects evils and it publishes the horrible material from the society. It plays a leading role for the promotion of yellow or black journalism. Our today’s media has been sunk in western and Hindu culture and civilization. It has reserved more than seventy percent of its space for the dancers, singers and drummers. Remaining part full of lie based stories. I can claim that this type of communication does not belong to any theory. Most probably we have to define a new theory for this type of Journalism and mass communication.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Human Catastrophe in FATA & NWFP

The Beginning

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) include seven Agencies viz Bajaur, Orakzai, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan and South Waziristan, and the tribal areas adjoining Peshawar, Kohat, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Lakki Marwat and Tank districts. Article 247 of constitution of Pakistan provides for governance of these areas in a manner altogether different from the rest of Pakistan. The tribal areas are administered by the Governor NWFP as per directions given by the President of Pakistan. No Act passed by parliament applies to the tribal areas except to the extent permitted by the president. The president has the power to make laws for the tribal areas in respect of any matter within the legislative competence of parliament.


The president can also make regulations, with respect to any matter, for the peace and good governance of these areas. Neither the Supreme Court nor the High Court can exercise any jurisdiction in relation to the tribal areas unless the parliament by law provides otherwise. There is, therefore, no constitutional guarantee of fundamental rights for the citizens of FATA as enjoyed by citizens in the rest of Pakistan. With an estimated population of about 3.5 million, FATA have 12 representatives in the national assembly and 8 in the senate. These representatives can make laws for the rest of Pakistan but not for the areas they represent.

The administrative set-up includes, at Islamabad, the ministry of states and frontier regions and, at Peshawar, the FATA civil secretariat under the Governor NWFP. The governing law is the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) which is administered through the tribal jirgas and not through the courts of law. Responsibility for the crime committed by a member of a tribe is the collective responsibility of that tribe which then proceeds to punish its own offending member.

There is no statistical documentation of poverty levels in FATA. However, studies conducted by the Asian Development Bank in 2006 reveal that drinking water is in short supply throughout the region, infant and child mortality rates are higher than in the rest of Pakistan, education facilities are deficient in most villages and practically non-existent for girls, literacy rates are the lowest in the country and health facilities are substandard at best. The ADB study estimates that 60 percent of the people in Bajaur, Mohmand and Khyber live below the poverty line and that the female literacy rate in FATA as a whole is about 3 percent.

Trauma Commences…

The current disturbance commenced in 2002 in South Waziristan when Pakistan military launched operations against the militants. From North Waziristan disturbance spread into Bajaur and Mohmand Agencies, as also into the frontier regions of Bannu, Kohat and Swat districts. In Kurram Agency the violence was sectarian in nature leaving hundreds of Sunnis and Shias dead in its wake.


Trouble in Bajaur Agency

Bajaur Agency in FATA is tribal territory north of Peshawar that borders on Afghanistan's Kunar Province to the west. The area of Bajaur is 590 square miles. Smallest of the agencies in FATA, it has a hilly terrain. The population or Bajaur Agency is 700,000. The headquarters of the Agency administration is located in the town of Khar.

There are three main tribes in Bajaur: Utman Khel, Tarkalanri, and Mamund. The largest tribe is Utman Khel, judged by population or territory. The Utman Khel is at the southeast of Bajaur, while Mamund are at the southwest, and the Tarkani are at the north of Bajaur. Its border with Afghanistan's Kunar province makes it of strategic importance to Pakistan and the region.

Thousands of military men backed by heavy artillery, gunship helicopters, tanks and armour vehicles have launched a full-blown operation in Bajaur Agency. Military operations by Pakistani forces, air-strikes by US-led forces from neighboring Afghanistan has created chaos which is deepening the horrific conditions of life of local people. Military forces have been on the assault since summer across the agency. In result of this operation hundreds of people have been killed, crops and fertile lands have been destroyed, houses and shops were razed to the earth and thousands of people have fled to neighboring districts of Dir Lower, Malakand Agency, Peshawar, Charsadda, Nowshera, Swabi and Haripur districts of NWFP. Thousands others has left for other parts of Pakistan. It is expected that 2000 families have found shelter in Rawalpindi and Islamabad districts while many others have gone to Karachi. Remaining people are stranded in the war zone and has nothing to do with their fate.

Mass migration of the panicked tribal people has resulted emergency situation not only in Bajaur Agency but also in the neighboring district Dir Lower, Peshawar and Charsadda.

IDPs -Pakistan, Bajuar

Kurram Agency

Kurram tribal agency is one of the eight agencies of FATA in Pakistan. Geographically it coversKurram Valleywhich is a beautiful valley in the northwestern part of Pakistan neighboring Afghanistan.

Until the year 2000, when divisions were abolished, Kurram District used to be part of the Peshawar Division of the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. The name Kurram comes from the river Kurram which flows along the valley. The valley in the north is surrounded by White Mountains (KOH-E-SAFED) which also forms the natural border with Afghanistan.

The Kurram River drains the southern flanks of the KOH-E-SAFED mountain range, and enters the Indus plains north of Bannu. It flows west to east and crosses the PAKTIA Province Afghan-Pakistan border about 80 km southwest of Jalalabad, and joins the Indus near Isa Khel after a course of more than 320 km (200 miles). The district has an area of 3,310 km² (1,278 sq. miles); the population according to the 1998 about 500,000. The language of the tribe is Pashto. Shia and Sunni sects are inhabitants of this agency.

Disturbance in Kurram Agency

Kurram Agency is going through a terrible time on account of peace crisis and administrative neglect. The area has been suffering from intermittent sectarian violence for years but since the current riots in the latter half of the year 2007, Kurram Agency has been torn by war as well as by the lack of care from the government and even mainstream media in the country.

‘Our place has been cut off from the rest of the country and we have been forced to live an isolated life’ said a local resident who revealed that the roads leading to and from Kurram to other parts of the province (NWFP) have been closed for transportation since November 2007. Daily life necessities have to be supplied from across the border (Afghanistan); most of the agency area being also left without electricity, the residents are practically living a ‘dark life’.

Besides sectarian violence and general neglect of the Kurram Agency by the authorities, there seems to be a lack of understanding between the government and the local population. An instance of this was reported earlier this summer when a 100 member gathering (JIRGA), consisting members of both the major sects (Shia and Sunni), was arrested by the government authorities without any obvious reason; only to be released later. This kind of misunderstanding is getting in the way of peace efforts made by tribesmen and local elders to restore normal life in the area.

Clashes were sectarian in nature but have resulted in creation of a human tragedy. People of Kurram agency are suffering because of continuous violence, unavailability of food and other needs of human life.

IDPs -Pakistan,Kurrum

Mohmand Agency

The Mohmand Agency in Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan created in 1951 that comprises of seven Tehsils.

  1. Anbar
  2. Pandyali
  3. Ekkagund
  4. Lakaro
  5. Halimzai
  6. Baizai
  7. Prang Ghar

Mohmand Tribes were administered by the Deputy Commissioner based in Peshawar, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan. However it was not until 1973 that the headquarters of the Mohmand agency were moved from Peshawar to Ekkagund. Now, the permanent agency headquarters is at Ghalanai, deep in the Mohmand agency.

The disturbance because of military operations in Pakistan's tribal region is no longer confined to the North and South Waziristan regions along the Afghan border. As some time passed this disturbance found their roads deep in the erstwhile peaceful Mohmand tribal agency in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) region.

Trouble mounts in Mohmand Agency

People of Mohmand Agency are facing almost the same situation as of Bajaur agency. Military operation and continuous attacks by NATO forces in Lakaro, Ambar, Pandyali and Ekkagund Tehsils in Mohmand Agency created panic and tragic conditions for local inhabitants. Hundreds of men, women and children have been killed in result. They were forced to leave their homes and migrate to comparatively peaceful areas of district Charsadda and Peshawar adjacent to their agency. This resulted in a human crisis in these areas. Kind hearts and helping hands of their respective areas found no solution of this terrible situation. As time passes, situation is worsening. Bitter winter is on and poor IDPs are on the verge of a smash.

Another horrific aspect of this trauma is threat to the peace of Peshawar because of its location, which is only 30 minutes from the border and reports are beginning to emerge of insurgent activity extending toward the NWFP capital. In an alarming development earlier this month military movements in Warsak area of Peshawar and rumors of launching military operation have griped the city in fear.

Thousands of IDPs from Mohmand Agency has entered the district in search of peace and shelter and toll still increasing.

Due to continuous curfew and blockade of main roads and bridges in the troubled areas, people are crossing to district Peshawar through River Kabul by boats. IDPs are arriving at Warsak, Shaghali, Pyari, Nelawey and other localities of District Peshawar in U/C Jogani, U/C Ghari Sherdad and U/C Mathra.

Affectees of Mohmand Agency are now using another track for reaching peaceful areas of NWFP & FATA because of curfew and blockades of roads. They use to travel into Afghanistan and then cross border at Torkham area for entering again into Pakistan. Hundreds of families have been reached Khyber Agency so far and toll is still increasing.

Till now about 1200 families have arrived only to district Peshawar mainly sheltering in UC Jogani.

People are also traveling to Shaheed Banda, Shabqadar and other adjacent areas of district Charsadda by foot walking for hours through mountains. About 1500 families have arrived in district Charsadda.

Dozens of civilians have been injured during the operation. They were shifted and admitted in different hospitals of Charsadda and Peshawar. Hundreds of thousands of people are stranded in the war zone and has no alternative for shelter.

Darra Adam Khel

Darra Adam Khel is a town in Provincially Administrated Tribal Areas (PATA) in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan, located between Peshawar and Kohat, very close to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. It is inhabited by Pashtuns of the Afridi clan, the Adam Khel. Darra Adam Khel is famous for its small industries of arms and ammunition.

Dilemma of Afridis of Darra Adam Khel

Military operation started in Darra Adam Khel in mid of year 2007 which was later extended to Tirah valley of Khyber Agency. Heavy contingents of army and paramilitary troops were deployed and curfew was imposed for a long time. This operation, in search of so called militants, has destroyed the peaceful life of Afridis. Many of tribesmen, women and children were killed and hundreds of them were forced to leave their homes in search for peace and shelter in nearby areas of district Peshawar, Kohat and Orakzai Agency.

IDPs -Pakistan, Darra

Lasting impact of crises in NWFP & FATA

Military operations against armed opposition groups in Pakistan have displaced hundreds of thousands of people in recent months. This operation caused the Asia’s biggest new displacement in 2007, with between 0.7 million people forced to flee their homes towards the end of the year. Few people re-turned as they noticed a little calm but they found their homes and property destroyed so they are also facing a life of refugees.

There are reports of children dying due to cold weather and non availability of food and life saving drugs. After reaching Tank, Banu and DI Khan districts of NWFP many IDPs of North and South Waziristan agencies were reportedly living in open fields under the roof of sky. Some displaced families sought shelter with relatives outside Waziristan and other areas after the region were sealed off by the army in January. According to the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), some 190,000 people have been displaced just from Bajaur Agency.

As a whole, roughly estimating 0.7 million people have been effected and at least fifteen thousand families have shifted from their original places.


Where IDPs found the Shelter …

Tens of thousands of people have been displaced because of emergency situation created by military operations in north-western Pakistan. Majority of the IDPs preferred to stay with their relatives and friends in the settled districts so exact figures are hard to found but according to government figures, there are now an estimated 90,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in NWFP. Another 90,000 are believed to be displaced in Swat in northern NWFP, based on a recent government assessment. In addition, some 84,000 people were displaced by floods in August.

In fact no verified and accurate information in this regard are available. Non-government organizations and independent sources are insisting that the number of IDPs is far greater than the revealed figures. If government figures believed to be correct, even than people of NWFP are facing a human crises. All districts close to tribal belt of FATA and Swat district of NWFP are hosting thousands of IDPs.


Peshawar, the capital City of NWFP, hosting thousands of Afghan refugees for the last three decades, is currently the main destination for Internally Displaced Persons of FATA and NWFP.

Kacha Ghari Camp of Peshawar is situated at the bank of Peshawar-Afghan main road, hosted thousands of Afghan Refugees for a long time and recently vacated by them is now become a temporary shelter for 11000 registered IDPs from Bajaur and Mohmand Agencies. Toll is still increasing as families from different affected regions are approaching for shelter.

Due to continuous curfew and blockade of main roads and bridges in the troubled areas, people are crossing to district Peshawar through River Kabul by boats. IDPs are arriving at Warsak, Shaghali, Pyari, Nelawey and other localities of District Peshawar in U/C Jogani, U/C Ghari Sherdad and U/C Mathra.

Dir Lower

Dir Lower is adjacent to Bajaur Agency. When crises began, thousands of affectees flooded into Dir lower in search of peace, food and shelter. Government department responsible for accommodating IDPs have established only four camps where just a few hundred of IDPs can found shelter. Thousands others are hosted by non-governmental organizations and local people.

Disrtict Mardan

In district Mardan, there is only one IDP camp in Sheikh Yaseen Town in which 201 families or 1,336 individuals including 678 children less than 5 years of age are living. However, the numbers are increasing day by day. According to the Relief Commissioner, NWFP, there are 4,191 families or 35,158 people are living with host families (relatives/friends) in district Mardan.

District Charsadda

The neighboring district of Mohmand Agency, Charsadda has received thousands of IDPs from Mohmand Agency as well as from Bajaur Agency.

IDP camps in district Charsadda has been established at Government Teacher Training School, Palosa in which 476 families or 3,106 individuals including 639 children less than 5 years of age are living as of 8th Sept 2008. According to the Government, there are 754 families or 4,524 individuals are living with host families in district Charsadda. The camp population is also increasing day by day but the figure of IDPs residing with relatives or making arrangements for themselves are hard to count. It is a fact that number of such IDPs are also in thousands. A carefully collected figure of IDPs of Mohmand Agency by officials is touching to 100,000.

Displaced people used to travel to Shabqadar and other adjacent areas of district Charsadda by foot due to blockade of roads and bridges.

District Nowshera

Hundreds of IDPs from Bajaur have been asked to shift to Government High School Pir Piai Nowshera Relief Camp exclusively set up for the victims. Thousands of people have been accommodated by local people and thousands of others are looking for shelter.

District Swabi

In Swabi district, there is no formal IDP camp established by government but 1,164 families or 9,310 IDPs are living with host families in this district.

Southern Districts

As crises begun in North & South Waziristan Agencies, thousands of people left their homes and migrated to nearby districts of Tank, Dera Ismail Khan and Lakki Marwat. They are residing in temporary shelters, tents and along with their relatives. There is a little calm now in troubled agencies of North and South Waziristan but displaced people are facing worst time of their lives. Military operations are still continued and IDPs of southern districts are very much worried about their future.

Other Parts of the Country …

Except above mentioned areas, IDPs have spread through the country wherever they found a little hope of peace and shelter. Other prominent regions, where IDPs are residing now are District Harripur in Hazara Division, District Rawalpindi in Punjab province and Karachi in Sindh province.

Except above mentioned relief camps established by government there are thousands of IDPs hosted by Non-governmental organizations, relatives of respective families and personally arranged shelters. Number of IDPs is increasing day by day as military operations are continued. As time passes miseries of these homeless people are multiplying as they don’t have any source of income and proper shelter. In these circumstances bitter coldness of upcoming winter will turn their lives more miserable.

Recommendations for a long lasting solution

Military operations should be halted immediately. Militant groups must stop their activities in the larger interest of common people.

For finding acceptable solutions for all stakeholders, negotiations should be started.

Military and militant must make it sure that during their assaults common people and their properties will be safe. Both of them must restrain from harassing common people.

Military must be careful in imposing curfew because it badly disturb lives of common people. If it is to be imposed, timings and duration of curfew must be advertised publicly.

IDPs should be provided better living facilities in their respective residents either in camps or on other places.

Basic health facilities, especially for women and children, should be provided to every Internally Displaced Family.

Displaced children should be provided with ample facilities of education otherwise their precious time will lost.

Facilities for mental health care should be arranged for IDPs.

IDPs should be provided with all possible facilities for going back to their homes and rehabilitating their life.

IDPs -Pakistan, Peace